Friday, December 29, 2006
A Bowl Of Cherries?
God didn't intend for our lives to be without conflict and we are reminded that life here on earth is not heaven. Today my ways of thinking are gradually changing and its a real challenge, but a challenge that I'm enjoying. Yes, I'm truly blessed today even though I'm homeless and struggling slowing forward. Each day I look forward to focusing my life more on God.
I'll be searching for the right apartment for one more week, trying to find something that will be affordable yet live able. I just can't believe what some landlords call live able. One rental unit was worse than living outside at my camp, having open electrical outlets, bugs, broken windows and broken furniture, and he wanted $500 plus utilities. I'm also in the process of applying for a job at O'Currance Teleservices for inbound telesales position which will allow me to work at home after training, and I'll find out more about this next week.
The weather has been somewhat cooperative with not much snow or rain and temps have been moderate for this time of year.
I'm still working 6 hour days directing traffic at the mall and this continues to try my patience each day. I have found that those who drive hummers and expensive cars to be very inconsiderate of others and their saftey, and only seem to be concerned about themselves. I pray that this folks will pick up The Purpose Driven Life and just read the first sentence of Day One and implement it into their lives.
Again I'm off to work, for the next week it is still tough to get use of the internet so my posts will not be to consistant, however after Jan. 8th I'll be able to post daily and I look forward to this.
Today I give you a Chris Tomlin video "Enough" along with an interview.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A Great Birthday Party
On Sunday I volunteered to serve at K2 The Church where I was able to meet many of the brothers and sisters who attend there regularly. K2 offered 4 services throughout the day and I was privileged to serve at all 4 services, greeting those that attended the services. The message for the day was "All I Want For Christmas Is... A Miracle", and each time I listened, I was able to gain more and more love for God. Having the opportunity for new life with God has opened many doors for me in the past month and all of them have been filled with love and care.
During 2 of the services I took a seat in the lounge area that contains a pool table, climbing wall, foose ball, and a coffee bar. I sat in one of the comfortable lounge chairs to watch the service on one of the many TV screens available. While watching the services 2 gentleman also took advantage of the relaxing chairs and the conversations began. I was blessed by the Lord with love and understanding from Norm and Bill along with some guidance on this new journey that I have begun. It was awesome how the Lord was working on that day and I was truly seeing miracles happen.
I had no plans for Christmas when, Andy, a pastor and spiritual leader for K2, ask me if I would like to join his family along with others who attend K2 for Christmas dinner, which I accepted. Andy picked me up on Christmas afternoon and off we went to the home of Brian and Mary where we joined their family and friends for a great celebration of Jesus' birthday. Yep, we even had a birthday party for Jesus, that included a cake inscribed with "Happy Birthday Jesus".
In my former years of Christmas, I always found myself being reserved and not partaking much with guests, but on this day I found myself feeling so loved and accepted that mingling and conversing was very easy, just as everyday is now since turning my life over to the Lord. You see, I don't need to lie or deceive others into being accepted and love, because I know that God and his family all love me. This is something that I really never experienced in the past, and man, it is just awesome.
Being reborn has brought many miracles during the past month and a half and this weekend was not to be without. The biggest miracle for me was LOVE.I had many people during the weekend just walk up and give me a hug and tell me that they loved me, and these were from people I've never met before. To me this was God showing me how much he loves and cares for each and everyone of his children. Another miracle that is still in the process is the offering of an apartment. Tomorrow I will start my search for a new warm place to rest my head which has been offered to me by some of my new family. I was so grateful for this offer that throughout the night I found myself waking and thanking our Lord for this opportunity.
I'm headed off to work now with one of the largest smiles and warmest feelings about my new journey which is all possible because of the birth of Jesus Christ, who's birthday party I attended yesterday.
Friday, December 22, 2006
A Homeless Merry Christmas
During my days of working at a mall I've witnessed many who I do not believe know what the true meaning of Christmas is. Most people I see running around and trying to find the right gift, the most expensive gift, the biggest gift, the best gift. I see people with short tempers, unhappy, and feeling totally pressured by their idea what Christmas is about. Well I feel they are missing out on the understanding and purpose of Christmas.
Would it really hurt just to slow down a little bit and actually remember what Christmas is about?
For me Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ, the one who done as his Father ask. The one who sacrificed his life for us all and its through Christ's blood that those of us who believe will have eternal life. It's about peace and joy, fellowship and purpose, and of course the biggest, love, trust and faith for someone who gave his all for you and I. It is a day to thank Jesus for all He has done for me and others around me.
Sometimes I would just love to stop everyone and ask what they feel the true meaning of Christmas is. Of course many wouldn't stop because they feel they have no time. I do pray that those who do not understand Christmas' purpose, become acquainted with the person who's birth we are celebrating.
If you are thinking of donating items for those who are homeless I have a few suggestions:
Socks: Everyone of us enjoys being able to put on new socks
Knit Hats: Nothing like being able to keep the old noggin warm
Warm Gloves: Many of us tend to loose or misplace gloves during are shuttles throughout the day
Razors: Here in Salt Lake they can become a highly sought commodity for us
P38: For those of you that don't know, it's a army can opener you can carry in your pocket
Underarm deodorant: the stick kind preferably
Thermals: A must and great for the cold weather states
If you want to give something special, throw in some instant coffee bags or a couple of candy bars. Whatever you do give, you can be assured that all of us who are homeless are grateful for you help.
I most likely will be unable to post anymore until after Christmas, so I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and I thank you for your prayers, trust, and faith in me. This may be another homeless Christmas for me, but it also is a special one, because I know in my heart what Christmas truly is all about.
Trudging On
Last night I attended the candle light vigil for the National Homeless Persons Memorial, where 42 names were read of the homeless that died during 2006. During the vigil I got to see a guy, Gary, who just 2 years ago was stabbed several times near the shelter, a person who lost homeless buddies. I know that he accepted the Lord last year and today he is doing so much better. He now has a home a smile and a purpose. Gary ask me where I was at and I explained with God and still camping out. He was concerned about me camping stating, "I don't want to hear your name read next year." This did hit me kind of hard because they stated the median age of those that perished was 48 years old, one year more that I am. I also saw many of those who help us out and they also seem to be very concerned for my saftey and warmth. To all of these I explained my new found love and that I was staying warm. They know that I'm one of those who will survive outside until the time comes for a new home.
The last few days in my reading of The Purpose Driven Life (Day 18-21) has been about the church and fellowship and it came just at the right time. You don't suppose someone had something to do with this do ya? Yea, with my meeting today with Andy, the spiritual leader for K2, it has helped me understand the purpose of the church and what I can do and what to look out for. You see I want to become an integral part of the church, learning how to take God's word to the streets. I need to find a small group to become a part of and learn how to trust, sympathize, share, and have respect with others.
I know K2 has a group for those having problems with alcohol and drugs and I'll be looking into this group today through Andy. I once attended AA but due to all of the gossip I found myself drift away and not trusting anyone there. I hope and pray that the K2 small group will be an answer for me because I do need to discuss my addictions with others and need to be able to trust them. I really look forward to my meeting today.
Yesterday I recieved a Christmas card from my grandparents and it contained a photo of them. Wow, did it really hit home. I had watery eyes but was thanking the Lord for knowing what I really needed. I've need a photo of the grandparents for sometime and now I have it in my hands.
Today I'm asking that all who read here to please pray for a family who is in real need of comfort, understanding and love. Snog Dot's wife has a brain tumor and the chemo is not working, the doctors are only giving her 3 months to live. I ask that you all stop today and take time to include this family in your prayers.
Well I'm off to meet Andy. I'll come back and let ya know how it went, until then, "Who do you love the most?" For me its God and even when I'm down and not feeling well, like today, I know He's there trying to make me feel better.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Once Was Lost
I was born in Indiana where at the age of 4 was left by my mother at my grandparents and she never returned taking a brother 1 year younger with her. My father, well, he was traveling the rodeo circuit and was only there for my birthday and Christmas. The grandparents worked a dairy farm and raised me the best they knew how but I was lost at an early age trying to figure out where I belonged. The drugs and alcohol started at an early age of 14 years old and continued on until just 3 months ago. I found myself unable to hold jobs or stay in one spot for any length of time. I moved to Utah at the age of 17 after graduating HS, to snow ski and have always considered this to be home.
At the age of 21 I returned to Michigan to try and live there and found myself in a hospital not being able to cope with life. I talked with my family and stated I wanted to see my brother and mom, a meeting was setup. My mom came to the hospital where I told her that I wanted to see Greg. Well she told me he knew nothing of me and she was not going to tell him. Well, I became angry and walked out never to talk with her again.
The next 20 years found me back in Utah and I spent a couple of years working out of Seattle on a fishing boat that fished the Bering Sea. Of course alcohol once again destroyed this opportunity and I came back to Utah. In 2000 I quit my drugging but kept of drinking and not able to hold on to a job. In 2003 I found myself on the streets and just not caring to live anymore. I've had my ups and downs out here during the last 3 years but started to get familiar with God during this time. I knew there was something missing in my life but not able to cope with it. During this time I did forgive my mom for leaving me. My brother has since contacted our dad after finding out about us while trying to get an passport. I still haven't talked with him but feel that it will soon be time.
Well on November 11th my whole life started to change. While I was at my hillside camp, I told God that He could have all of me and that I was tired of trying to do things my way. Since this time I feel like I belong, that I'm not just wandering around aimlessly. Oh, I'm still homeless but I'm now a person with love and feel loved. All of this has been made possible by loving God. I'm thankful that for the sacrafice of Jesus so that I can become clean and will live on in eternity. I may be homeless today but I do have a permanent home that is always there.
With my family being split apart I recently have begun to hope that we all can be reunited just for one day. I haven't been home to see my grandparents or family for over 6 years and will be trying to get there sometime next month. You see, my grandparents are 89 and 91 years old and each time I call (weekly), I can hear it in their voice that they miss me and want to see me. They keep reminding me they're getting old. My granny can't hear well so when we talk she does the talking then sobbing gives the phone to grandfather saying she is unable to hear me. I also want to share my love for God and to ask them to allow Him into there life so that they also may have eternal life. I'm going to call up Greg, my brother next week, hopefully we can get together when I go back to visit the family. And I actually would like to see my mom sometime also just to tell her that I forgive her and so does God.
Well that's where things stand now. I'm no longer lost. I have a new path and direction and through Jesus this has all been made possible. Through seeking out God, I've a new life, love, hope, family and smiles. My best friend, He is always there when I call up, never to busy to comfort me, doesn't have to look at His schedule to set an appointment, is willing to trust me and love me know matter what I've done in the past. Its GREAT!!!!
Lord Forgive Me When I Whine
Today, upon a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden hair, I envied her...she seemed so gay..and wished I were as fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle; She had one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed...a smile!
Oh, God forgive me when I whine, I have two legs. The world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm. I talked with him. He seemed so glad. If I were late t'would do no harm. And as I left he said "I thank you . You have been so kind It's nice to talk with folks like you. "You see" he said "I'm blind." Oh, God forgive me when I whine , I have two eyes. The world is mine.
Later while walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched the others play. He did not know what to do. I stopped a moment and said "Why don't you join the others, dear?" He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear. Oh, God forgive me when I whine. I have two ears. The world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go, with eyes to see the sunset glow, with ears to hear what I would know...Oh, God forgive me when I whine, I'm blessed indeed, the world is mine.
Author Unknown
Today is National Homeless Memorial Day, a day to pay our respects to the homeless who died during the past year. I'll try to post more about the last few days in The Purpose Driven Life sometime tomorrow.
Today I've a song from Casting Crowns that says it all for me.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
A Focused Life
At work yesterday I had another opportunity to share my best friend. John, another parking employee ask how I could be so calm when confronted with the customers in rude ways. I stated that this would not have happened 3-4 months ago, but now since I've acquired and new great best friend it has really helped. He ask, "A friend does that?" I stated that yes the Lord has a way of comforting me and all I need to do is pray for that person who is having a bad day, when I do that I forget about what was just said. John went, "Wow, I need to talk with you more about that and try it out myself."
Its been great to be able to wake up warm the last couple of days it's so refreshing to not be shivering when I'm thanking God for another day. I'm off to work now.
Did you say, "I love you God", today?
Monday, December 18, 2006
My Best Friend


After all of the food I had an opportunity to partake in, I walked to work just a couple of blocks away. A family, who reads this blog, had emailed a couple of days before and we arranged to meet at 4pm Saturday, where I was given a new warm sleeping bag, sweets along with encouragement and a start for my new roof. I wasn't able to talk long, but after we departed and I had gotten off of work, the flood gates opened and my true love and thankfulness rolled out for my savior Jesus.
It is just so neat to see how many new brothers and sisters I now have and without my Father this all wouldn't be possible.
On Saturday night the winter storm rolled in with high winds and snow, but me I was laying in a new warm bag shedding clothes throughout the night. You see, I was use to sleeping with my winter clothes on, but within 2 hours I was down to just shorts. Yep, temps below freezing, wind blowing 20+mph, and snowing and I was enjoying it. No more shivering mornings, I'm able to put my clothes and shoes in the bag 30 minutes before crawling out and they're warm and toasty along with me. I had prayed for a warm night and I received it.

Oh yea, the parking job is going great and you know God sure has granted me patience's with the holiday shoppers. I had 2 guys who actually tried to drive over me but I was able to hold my cool, look at them smile (sort of) and just let it pass. A few months ago I would have pounced on them and their cars. And you know it felt really good to just forgive them and just ask the Lord to give them some of what I was feeling.
Sunday night I went to the dollar movies and watched a couple of shows, the best being "Facing the Giants", which was suggested to me by a friend from K2. No big names on the billboard here, but my billboard was flashing "G-O-D". He sure has a way of leading us and delivering the messages at the right time. I suggest seeing this movie if you haven't.
The weekend would not have been so warm or great if it wasn't for love. Love from friends, strangers, church and most importantly love for God.
Oh my post title, well it something I'm sure I'll hang on to for eternity. My best friend of course is Jesus and I ask others who theirs are and it gives me an opportunity to introduce mine. The responses I've gotten, well, they have been great. Most people will come up with earthly names, but when I tell them mine, most will really smile. I just leave them at that point with a smile and say, "Next time when you really need a friend, try Jesus."
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Shivering Sweet
Yep, its a proven fact. Yesterday saw temps reaching close to 60 degrees during the day, but by 5pm all had changed and temps dropped with snow falling. I noticed today a weather alert had been issued for a heavy snow warning from today until the morning tomorrow. This morning was the coldest I've been since the winter has started, I just can't seem to warm up and stop shivering, even though the temps aren't that bad.
Yesterday when I went to work at 4pm and the temps had started to drop, I felt that I wasn't dressed or prepared for it. Well, I was real fortunate last night during my job of parking cars and directing traffic the supervisor put me in the "Summer Garage". As the old Jackie Gleason would of said, "How SWEEEET it is!". Yea, the Lord was looking out for me. Nope, there are no beaches or palm trees here, but it was a heated parking garage. The good news is that the job will last through the holidays and I should be able to obtain at least 40 hours next week. Putting faith in Jesus Christ is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Today I'll attend a breakfast buffet served out at St. Vincent DePaul Center, run by Catholic Community Services. This is a great meal normally consisting of eggs, biscuits and gravy, sometimes some fruit and of course some type of sweet roll. The great thing here is that you can keep going back for more. The thing I don't understand the most is that many people choose not to go. I'll try to get some pics here.
Yesterday's photos, well that a different story and real short. They just didn't come out good or I forgot to save them. Oh well, I'm still learning everday, and actually I'm still what I will call, "Wet behind the ears" when it comes to being a child of God also.
I got back into The Purpose Drive Life reading and yesterday was Day 15, "Formed for God's Family". My understanding here is that God wants all to become part of His family because He loves us all. I can't remember what verse it is but I'm thinking of one that says something like, "If you do not know love, you do not know God, because God is love." God loves us all and he wants to have a relationship with us all and through our faith in Jesus, God becomes our Father. Being a child of God is such an honor, we are blessed with other great brothers and sisters, along with other great treasures, the most important being eternal life. I really liked this chapter and it has brought me to understand that treating each other as brother and sister is important. One thing that came to mind here is that some of our family is lost so it is our job to go out and give them a map or plant a seed to help them out.
You know here I am without many worldly possessions, but yet I'm able to walk down the street and hold my head up and smile, sometimes that smile is huge and giggly like and sometimes can be barely seen, but its there just as long as I'm thinking about the Lord.
I'm posting this from the downtown City Library so I won't be able to share any music today. The UofU went on its break yesterday so hours are limited there during the weekends (Sat. only and for 3.5 hours) and shortened on weekdays. This will go until Jan 8th, when the spring semester starts.
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be back sometime Monday, the good Lord willing.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Don't Worry About A Thing

Tonight I went to another food pantry, who's hours are from 5pm-7pm on Thursday nights. Man, that is great for those who may be working and not able to stop in during the day. Well, once again I was met with a closed sign, stating an emergency had come up. So, I snap a quick photo and started to head back up to the U, when it struck me that the Catholic church hands out sack lunches. Alright, here I come.


While setting on the bench I called another temporary labor service to see if they had work for tomorrow and the quick answer was yes. I've got a job for 2 days parking cars at the downtown walking mall, which was built over the homeless peoples old stomping grounds, and I start tomorrow night at 4pm. That clothing voucher I picked up earlier today will come in handy, because I need dress slacks (go figure) for my uniform.
Man, I'm so grateful God doesn't judge us by what we wear. You know Job had it right, you came in with nothing and you leave with nothing. So what is the big hassle with all of these flashy material things? Oh what the heck, I'll have the slacks for a later time, I believe God has a purpose for them.
I'm setting down after I finish this posting, to start back where I left off on the reading of Rick Warren's, The Purpose Driven Life. I was going to try to catch up on the days I missed while sick, but you know, I don't feel I'll be punished for taking my time and getting it right.
So, as that Marley dude sang, "Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright", I'll be whistling and humming it throughout this night, while I smile thanking the Lord for this day and all he has provided. If you're not familiar with the song I've talked about, well here is the video with Spanish closed caption.
Whew, That Hill

Well, when I got the food pantry I found out it was closed because the lady that normally works there was sick. They left a note and gave those who had stopped by a couple of other options for food help.


The return trip was tough so I actually just stopped and bought a Trax ticket (train) for the ride up the hill. I would've never made it up that hill, just walking the last block up hill was tough enough.
Until I leave for tonight's journey to the other food pantry, I'll be catching up in The Purpose Driven Life and working on reintroducing an old website ( SL Streets ) I had last year dedicated to writing articles and providing valuable information for the homeless. I will also be sending out some more resumes today and hope to set up a couple of interviews for early next week.
A quick update on the New Path marketing program, I have found the ads to be to high of a price for me to currently pursue this at this time. I will be looking forward in delivering this dream sometime early next year.
Rejoicing In The Morning


Did I need the camera? Nah. I could be using the money for many other needs than this, but I was glad to help out a fellow homeless person. This may be the start that Steve needs to put his life in order.
Meanwhile, Steve was really feeling down and said he was grateful that I was a friend. (Ah, the opportunity to tell him who my best friend is.) I explained to Steve about God and how He's become my closest friend and Savior. He said, "Wow, I never thought about that", and thanked me. I then gave him an 'In Touch' ( ) pamphlet to read on the bus today and we parted ways.
Today I'm rejoicing the opportunity to share the Lord.
The top photo is from this morning at the UofU Marriott Library, where I'm able to update this blog and do other research and projects. I guess the camera works great for internet photos. I'll be using the camera today to journal my trek to a food bank and a stop at a local resource center to get a clothing voucher, it will be neat to be able to share my day through photos now.
I found an interesting and fresh look at 'God In A Box'
that I really liked so check it out. I also found an interesting article about bed bugs, a problem that exists at the shelter here in Salt Lake. They even closed it early this year to spray, but several of my friends complain of being bitten regularly, some even resulting in large swellings and welts, not to mention the agony of itching.
My music for the morning is from Jars of Clay singing "God Be Merciful To Me".
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The God Bowl
Some of His players drop or fumble but He doesn’t bench them or take them out of the game. He’s there to comfort them when times are tough or when they are hurt or ill. He jumps with joy when they do what is asked of them. He doesn’t favor one player He loves them all and He rewards his team with all of the greatest treasures one can ever want at the end of their careers.
Yea, I’m proud to be a member of this great team and work everyday to give the best that great coach, God, ask of me, and it’s cool to be on the winningest team there ever could be. There is only one bowl game for me and its the GOD Bowl, so lets go team and show the world who the best is this season.
God has really been there for me during the past week while I've been sick. I spent the last 3 days in the hospital with pneumonia. I came down sick late last week and just wasn't able to kick it. Its still tough breathing today but I've at least got rid of the high temps and extreme kidney pains. I’ll be back posting more on The Purpose Driven Life this weekend when I can actually think more clearly.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers.
Oh yea I can’t leave you without a song, actually a couple. The first is a video from Sonicflood and its my battle cry today "Cry HOLY", the second is a rap mp3 from former NFL Bronco,Steve Fitzhugh, performing the "Competitor's Creed" (could you imagine each and every player singing this before they go out to play, YIKES!) there is even a Competitor's Creed bible study and more can be found at The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).
Thursday, December 7, 2006
It's A Struggle
Today has been a tough day for me, the old depression seems to be hovering around me and it has been a struggle just to hold the head up, but I know I have the comfort and strength of God and that thought in it's self has pushed me on.
I'll post my last readings of The Purpose Driven Life tonight after I get back from more job searching.
As I walk through this day I'll be thinking of the band Building 429's song "Fearless" as I struggle to hold my head up and feel good about life in general. The video is lead out by a verse from Psalm 112:8 "They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly" which will also be in my mind.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Enjoying The Moment
Today was Day 14 in The Purpose Driven Life, the topic was,"When God Seems Distant". I actually knew there will come a time that God will test my faith by leaving me to decipher my true feelings of God. Right now I'm just going to enjoy being the infant and having God answer many of my prayers, for I know this time is short before He puts me to a real test.
I believe even during my tests from God, that he'll still be there cheering me on or trying to point me in the right direction. I may not recognize these moments, but I hope that I'll put a big smile on His face, just as He does mine today when I'm puzzled.
Tonight's music is from Tree63, the song, "A Million Lights", is just what I view each night as I trudge towards my camp to grab some shut eye. During this walk, I reflect on what God has given me and what I have given Him. I pray for those who are in need and ask for guidence for my life.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
A Homeless Reunion
We shook hands and greeted each other, both looking at each other like, "Now what is the purpose of this miracle meeting"? I led off asking Joe if he was here to attend the service. He replied, "Yea, and I know someone who is attending here and was hoping to see them". I then told him about my recent surrendering of my life to God, and how it has lifted the weight off of my shoulders along with making my life so much more bearable. Joe responded with, "I just had to let some one else take over, because I was just ruining my life, and since then the miracles have been rolling in."
Wow (#1), here was a guy who was totally bummed out on life when I last saw him. It was great to see him smiling and all enthused about having a great job, drivers license back, and a vehicle to get him around, all because he had invited the Lord to take over his life.
I ask Joe who he knew at K2, and he mentioned some girl who served meals on Sundays in the park. I knew exactly who he was talking about, and asked if it was Suzy. "Yep" he said, "She said she goes here so I wanted to check it out and may be get to see her". Wow again (#2), I had met Suzy while also helping feed at the park. I too had been keeping my eye out to see if she may still be attending K2, but hadn't seen her.
Joe and I both went inside for a cup of mud, when in comes Suzy and a friend. Wow number 3. It was great to see the work of the Lord bringing together those that had shared a small past together.
You know God sure times these moments well. I was in the need of a boost today and this was just the ticket.
At the end of the message, Joe and I, were both invited out to eat with Suzy and two of her friends. Man, this was just awesome. I was able to set down and have a conversation about how God was changing my life, all of these with a feeling of joy, trust, love and honesty. This is just a glimpse of what God has in store for me and it is just awesome, out of sight, cool, well just a down right indescribable feeling.
Thank you Lord for this day.
Day 13 in The Purpose Driven Life, "Worship That Pleases God" went together with today's message at K2 about how God would like us to pray and worship Him. Many people use the same prayers over and over, not actually having true sincerity. God expects us to pray our own way, using our personality and background that He gave us. With me this means using the words, Wow, cool, awesome, hip, and another that some say isn't proper, "dude". Yea, I've always called some of my best friends dude and God is now at the top of that list, so I might say, "Dude" in the middle of thanking Him and telling Him that, "He is an awesome dude." This is just my personality, and I believe it is genuine in showing my love for Him. The most important thing in this reading was the statement that, God wants all of our love not just part of it as it states in Mark 12:30.
Each day I work at giving all of my love to God and trust in Him leading me through each day, all of this through my prayers and worship. This gives me such a great feeling and opportunities to view His work like the reunion I had today.
It was a, WOW! WOW! WOW! day thanks to our King and, "Yes He is one awesome dude."
The recent addition to my camp is, Ahhhh warmth, the extra sleeping bag kept me nice and toasty throughout the night when temperatures dropped to 10 degrees, but please keep on praying that someday soon I'll have a place to call home with a kitchen and bed.
My music for tonight needs no explanation, and the David Crowder Band just kicks it out. I heard this for my first time at K2 The Church and it just grab me. So here it is.
Retailers Who Celebrate Christmas
I was ready to grab up the sword and go into battle with the ACLU!
After a quick search about the ACLU and the use of Christmas, the only article I could find written by the ACLU was, "How the ACLU Didn't Steal Christmas", which was written back during the 2005 Christmas season. It states at that time the ACLU had no lawsuits or other litigation concerning the use of Christmas. I did, however, find many articles and lawsuits against the use of Nativity scenes and other Christmas oriented forms of recognizing Christmas.
I kept my searching up on this subject and found a site Stop The ACLU, which is suggesting that the ACLU wants Christmas out of the retailers marketing plans. I found the "Committee to save Merry Christmas", which contacts retailers suggesting bringing back Christmas to their stores. They also had a list of retailers who celebrate Christmas and those who were not. After more searching I located an article stating that a couple of retailers listed by, as not celebrating Christmas had actually brought it back to their marketing programs these included Wal-Mart and Target.
I never found any strong evidence that the ACLU suggested retailers not to celebrate Christmas. Darn, there goes my battle.
For myself, Christmas is a time to show my love for our Savior by acknowledging His birth. I was into the gift thing when I was a kid but now see to much commercialism with Christmas, which has turned me off. This doesn't mean that I don't celebrate Christmas, because I will this year by thanking Jesus for His sacrifice for our sins and just spending time with God throughout the day of Christmas. My gift to others, is sharing our glorious God with them.
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Walking The Right Path
During my thrift shopping I picked up a used, in great condition, gore-tex REI jacket for $10 and a new polar fleece vest for $6, all to be used for work. This will leave me with a good jacket and vest for around town. You just can't beat thrift store shopping. I'll be trying out a new sleeping bag during tonight's expected single digit temperatures, it will be used as a liner for my existing bag. With these items and a new duffel bag for laundry duty, my evening times can be spent reading the Bible, posting here, research and promoting the New Path project and just enjoying time with God.
While running around today it came to me how my life had become so much more simplified since I started to follow Jesus. Truthfulness has left my mind at ease and not racing to figure out what I've said or need to say. Laying the self centered and self seeking life to rest and taking up the cross has just taken a huge load off my shoulders. I'm so thankful for my new life with God at the helm.
In The Purpose Driven Life, Day 11 and 12 both are about friendship with God. Day 11 "Becoming Best Friends With God", explains that He wants to be your best friend. By including God throughout the day in your work, hobbies, or menial tasks via prayer, is showing God how much you really love him and that He's your best friend.
I currently have no problem praying throughout the day and reminding Him how much I love Him and that He is my best friend. Today when I just need an ear, I turned to God, I go to the top of my friendship list for comfort. My past experience with prayer was only for my purpose or benefit and as long as I obtained what I wanted it was great, if not I was totally mad at God for not producing. I was just using God. Man, that is horrible. If some people would only pray or have a conversation with God as many times as they email, text, use chat rooms, or use the cell phone to talk with their friends, they would be building the strongest and best friendship anyone can have. This is where Day 12 comes in with "Developing Your Friendship with God".
If yesterday you were asked the question, "Who is your best friend", what would have been your answer? Until I mentioned above who your best friend should be, most would have come up with another earthly humans name and not God. This would have been my answer also up until about 2 weeks ago. You see all of my friends before then are in the bars hammering away and no having a care about or for anything else. Since I've turned my life over to God, I haven't had one phone call, email, or contact with them. This tells me how many friends I had before. Today I truly have only one best friend besides my grandparents and those who visit here and pray for me, of course it's God.
Even though God is our best friend, He can also put us to the test and give us wake up calls when we begin to wander off the path. These wake up calls are for our benefit. Remember having a great friendship with God is you choice and you'll only be as close to Him as you choose to be.
A verse which will be my verse to memorize next week, is Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart", really fits in with Day 11 & 12 readings and everyday in my life.
I'll leave you tonight with another song. Man, I just love listening these songs, it's so refreshing from my old music tastes of AC/DC, Rob Zombie and others that now I need to pray for. The cool thing is that many of the Christian rock bands have former hard rock'n, party type musicians, who also have turned their life over to God. Long live Rock-n-Roll, Christian rock that is.
Tree63's song "King" gives you the answer who your best friend should be.
Since I've been writing this another prayer has been answered, my flash drive is now in my hands. Yes, God is great and I'm so grateful to have Him in my life. How about you?
A Crisp Fresh Start
I just wanted to thank everyone who has been praying for my welfare and continued walk with Jesus. Through these prayers and continued discipline of doing God's will, my life has been jammed full of happy moments. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey with God, which has actually been less stressful even though being homeless.
My question for today to others is; "How many conversations have you had with God today?"
I have a day filled with responsibility to make my living and work conditions more comfortable. So, I'm off on a thrift shopping adventure and cost estimate for the New Path sandwich board.
I needed a song to keep in my head during my shuffle around the city so I stopped here at the UofU library to find one. It will be nice when I'm able to have one of those MP3 players so I can carry this music with me along with some of the great christian podcasts available. (People tend to give me weird looks when I'm trying to sing, whistle or hum my songs and I can't say if I blame them, music talent is not one of God's blessings for me.) Audio Adrenaline's, "Get Down" gives me that up beat and moving lyrics that will put my head and mind with Him during the day, even during the trying times of having to deal with impatient holiday shoppers. Oh yea, check it out, in the lyrics they state; "To live your life, you've got to loose it, and all of the loosers get a crown".
Where else can you surrender and actually come out as the winner?
Have a great day!!
Friday, December 1, 2006
Still Rock'n With Jesus
Real brief, I'm working a temporary construction job in Park City, Utah, one of the premier ski resort towns in the world. It consists of having to leave Salt Lake at 6am in the morning for the drive and not returning until 6pm. It also means having to deal with some very cold mornings. On Wednesday and Thursday we had a cold front move through that dropped temperatures to -14 degrees in Park City on Thursday and in the single digits during the other days. Thanks to all of the gear that was loaned to me from my new found best friend, God, I stayed warm, dry and thankful for such a friend.
During the cold weather I was able to stay on the chapel floor of the local Rescue Mission. This meant I had to be in early so I had no access to the Internet to update the blog here. The weather has warmed back up so I'll be returning to my camp tonight to remove the snow and enjoy the stars once again.
Today was really cool, at work I left "The Purpose Driven Life" and my Bible out in the office. At the end of the day my boss inquired about where I had been staying. I told him about the Rescue Mission and my camp. When I mentioned that I'd been homeless for nearly three years and that I had now turned my life over to God, he respond with, "Yea, I'm trying to let go of running my life." He then stated he had seen my books and ask about Rick Warren's book. I explained that it was helping me to understand what God intends for me to do and that the biggest thing was that I'm now happier by letting Him run my life, rather than me running it into the disaster zone.
Wow, God has actually started to use me for a purpose and it just put a big smile on my face along with a shiver. I look forward to sharing more with my boss next week.
Tomorrow will be catch-up day for my last three days of reading, along with working more on the New Path project, until then I leave you with the song that describes our best friend.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
No Sleep But Still Going
Most work through this agency is in Park City, which is a ski resort area and now buried beneath 2-3 feet of snow, so you can guess what I'll be doing. I didn't have the right clothes for being outside in the elements for scooping snow, so off I went on another panhandling adventure. This time people were much more accepting of my situation. After about 4 hours I had received a great winter jacket, plenty of warm smiles and greetings, prayers, Taco Bell burritos and tacos (stood near Taco Bell),a warm blanket to use with my cold sleeping bag (will be put to use tonight) and a wonderful donation from a 10-13 year old boy.
The young boy's gift just floored me, and once again the water started to roll from my eyes. When he handed me the money, I thanked and wished him happy holidays, while also acknowledging the two adults with him. One of the adults stated, "The gift is from my boy and it is he's money and idea". Wow, I have such admiration for this child and I'm sure the Lord had a smile from ear to ear.
The day was a success in preparing for tomorrow's work, and I owe it all to God for delivering everything that was needed. This was a real lesson once again in trusting in the Lord for exactly what the situation required.
I stated before that I wouldn't be likely to panhandle again, but the need was there and I felt more comfortable about it today. God had put me to this test to see how I would react. Again I handed nearly every person who helped a slip of paper thanking them and inviting them to this blog. I didn't count how many I printed up, but when I handed the last slip out everything I needed was at my side, when I realize what just had happened a tingle ran throughout my body.
I want to thank everyone who trusted me and helped me out today, you were my love from God.
I say, " Praise you Lord, because this day just strengthened by love and faith in you 10 fold."
Today is Day 10 in The Purpose Driven Life, and the topic was "The Heart of Worship". The opening sentence is "The heart of worship is surrender". The first words that came to mind were; losing, unsuccessful, and defeat. I thought, "Man, surrendering is just giving up and watching your opponent take all of the glory and the trophy." then it came to me, "Hey, now wait a minute, that last thought did have part of what God was expecting me to do".
God wants us to surrender our self seeking and satisfying ways to become our true selves and allowing Him all of the Glory. We can do this by being obedient to God and doing what is ask of ourselves.
Well, this is one thing I thought I'd never be able to do, but yet, today it is exactly what I'm doing. I may be homeless but my life is beginning to have some meaning to it.
I always had the belief of being at the center of attention and needing to stay there, but lately by putting God there it has taken a huge load off of me and actually relaxed me.
Today I say, "Go ahead God take all of me because I'm yours. I no longer want control of this vessel, it's all up to you. I tried it my way and it didn't work!"
I need to grab some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's before I hit the keyboard with my head.
My Song of The Day
Mercyme puts it just like it is with me, "So Long Self".
Monday, November 27, 2006
A Plan To Give Back
Sandwich board and hand held signs are an old age form of marketing that is still viable today, and it is a low cost start-up. I need to research by testing the waters myself, but I feel this may be an opportunity to give back while introducing or re-introducing Jesus to other needy people.
I've already set-up a website as a beginning foundation, along with a rough draft business plan. I hope to start this test market by late next week or as soon as I raise enough capital to build a sandwich board and pay for an advertising sheet to Velcro to it. You can check out this idea and business plan at New Path Marketing.
Today's reading of The Purpose Driven Life, Day 9,"What Makes God Smile?" helped me to confirm my stronger relationship with God and my true trust and love for Him. This reading actually goes along with what I started to build today.
I've felt for a long time that I was destined to work with those who are homeless and today I started the New Path Marketing groundwork based on my trust and faith in God, that He will direct me and furnish the necessary tools to accomplish this new feat. This is my Ark, that I'm building out of respect and love of God and giving thanks for my new found life. By building this "boat" to pass on His word, I feel that He's smiling.
We can't just have faith but we need to also do some work as stated in James 2:24 "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone."
The question is, "How much pleasure is God getting from my life?" Not, "What pleasure am I obtaining?"
My Music of The Day
Jeremy Camp puts it very truthfully by asking "Would you take the place of this man?", in his song This Man. This video is artfully done with a clip from "The Passion of Christ" by a youtuber.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A Few Moments of Panhandling
Any Help
Winter Boots
Sleeping Bag
Thank You
This was a real experience for me and an eye-opener. Before I even started to hold the sign I prayed that I would receive the items that I needed and during my stand I thought to myself, "If God wants me to have it, then it will happen". Well, I was blessed! After 4 hours, I received enough to buy a pair of good thermal winter boots and thermal socks. I didn't get the sleeping bag, but felt God had a reason for this. One gentleman came by with a box full of thermal underwear and enough socks for a couple of weeks, along with other warm clothing. After this person left me with the box, I had to stop and take a long breath and wipe the water from my eyes, I just couldn't believe what was happening.
The day wasn't full of blessings, it also had it's moments of disgusted looks, people saying; "Yea, right, he isn't homeless", along with other quotes I'll refrain from listing here.
I watched as those with the big expensive objects drove by with disgusted looks on their face and pretend that I wasn't even there. Some people would smile and that was great to me, because, yes they recognized me which made me feel like I was human.
To each person (except one, when I lost the paper) that gave, I handed a paper thanking them and inviting them to this blog, if you are one of those who received this I say, "Thank you very much for giving, trusting and believing. I invite each one of you into my life on this journey I've started, and you all will be in my prayers tonight".
Will I ever hold a sign like this again? I truly believe that this is the one and only time that I will ever need to do this. And I pray that I'll never be in this situation again where as last resort it is needed.
Today was also Day 8 in my reading of "The Purpose Driven Life". This chapter, "Planned For God's Pleasure", really fit me to a tee today, and was one that I'll always remember.
Bringing pleasure to God is called "Worship", and it doesn't just pertain to singing and music. Worship is anything that you do to please and give glory to God. This could be helping at your church's service, working at your daily job, sharing a smile with a homeless person, or helping your neighbor. Anything that you do to bring pleasure to God is an act of worship.
Well today I felt I brought pleasure to God by trusting in Him to deliver the items I needed for work and staying warm. I didn't look back at those who gave me those unpleasing gestures or stares with the same or worse gesture or stare. I didn't come out with any words of disregard to those who openly suggested where to go. Today, so far I feel I've pleasured God by being truthful, open, warm and, well, just what He expected me to be.
My Music of The Day
A real quick quote from "The Purpose Driven Life" reading today; pg.65
"God loves all kinds of music because he invented it all-fast and slow, loud and soft, old and new. You probably don't like it all, but God does! If it is offered to God in spirit and truth, it is an act of worship."
This song from Waking Ashland goes right along with where my thinking has been for the last two weeks. "All Hands On Deck" will remain close to me for along time to come.
Buy Waking Ashland Music
Saturday, November 25, 2006
From Homeless To Millionare
Homeless With Meaning
Yes, it's not about me.
Did I put myself in this homeless situation? Yes and no. I believe that there is a purpose for me being homeless. During this time I can learn how to relate to other homeless people and share this new journey I'm on, so that they may also change their paths and begin a new life with Jesus. Each day I'm learning from others who are homeless by listening to where they're at and their stories and not trying to bring my homeless story to the center ring. It's like a mirror, where I see my old ways of living without God in my life. The self-centered, self seeking, and it's all your fault attitude.
Will I be working with the homeless in the future? I'm not sure, but I do believe that homelessness will play an important part of me for the rest of my days on earth. This thought is actually giving some meaning to being homeless and a new direction. Each day I strive to do what the Lord wills me to do and work on becoming a more faithful servant to God.
Day 7 in "The Purpose Driven Life" is about "The Reason For Living" and in a nut shell I have explained some of this above. It's all about God and glorifying Him. We are intended to worship, praise, sing and pray to God, but we are also expected to enjoy, love and give ourselves to Him for our intended purpose.
Working on not being self-centered and living a life for God is going to require discipline for me and sacrificing my self gratification ways. I'll need to change everything in my life, and top priority will be my priorities. Today I'm at that fork in the road. Do I take the road to fulfilling my purpose by bringing glory to God, or will I choose my old self seeking ways and live that easy self-centered life?
Today I choose to work on bringing that glory to God, so that I may one day enter into the Kingdom of eternal life. My life has meaning, purpose and now a new found happiness.
Last night was way cool for me. During the hike to my camp, I had to stop and relish the lights in the valley. The new glasses I received yesterday are so awesome. I was able to see christmas lights, stars, the milky way, trees with limbs and the mountains were actually defined. If you can see it in your heart, please pray that I will be protected and warm during next week's expected extreme cold spell and snow.
Music of The Day
Audio Adrenaline has been around for 15+ years and they keep on producing great christian hits. In this video "Rejoice", Ben, travels the US and asks people "What makes you rejoice"? A few of them actually have the answer.
WebsiteAudio Adrenaline
Buy Audio Adrenaline Music
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Homeless Life With Purpose
Day 4: "Made to Last Forever" This is a point in my life that I never really looked at. I was always just living today as it may be my last and I had to make everyone like me and my accomplishments. Well, this chapter along with the next two is having me re-establish my outlook on life in the fact that this is just a brief moment of my life. God has intended for my life here on earth to only be brief, and for it to be a test for the upcoming greatness of eternal life. I always was thinking that when I die its over and I'll just go maybe to heaven or most likely hell. Now, each chance I get, I reflect on this chapter that I'm going to live forever and only briefly here.
Day 5: "Seeing Life From God's View" I really need to grasp a hold of this chapter as He is actually testing me during my stay here on this world. I need to work on being trusted with the resources and opportunities that God provides me. I also need to realize that every material possession is just loaned to us from God and He is trusting us with them.
Well, with my past of spending money quick and losing my possessions I guess He'll not be trusting me with much for some time to come. This is exactly what I really need to work on, TRUST.
Day 6: "Life is A Temporary Assignment" Throughout all my life I knew life was short, but I didn't realize that God intended for me to only be here for a short time before going to my real home. So, my life in the "Big House" is all dependant upon how I choose to take care of what God has loaned to me here and now. It's time for me to be faithful to God and not to focus on temporary crowns. I need to look at the bigger picture that if I'm faithful during this test, I'll be going to where all things are glorious and the moments of happiness are GRAND.
Music of The Day
My music of the day comes from Tree63, a young moving new christian rock band. I may be homeless but this song and what I've been learning is putting a smile on my face today as I walk through this wonderful journey to a purpose in life.
Website Tree63
Buy Tree63 Music
Give the gift of sight!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Vision Is On Its Way
I received great news today that I'll be receiving new eyeglasses from the Salt Lake City Lions Club. I've set up an appointment for an exam later today and God willing I may have my vision back. It will be so great to be able to focus on my surroundings and enjoy one of God's greatest creation, the world which we live in.
Day four of The Purpose Driven Life is "Made to Last Forever" and I'm just starting to read it. When I finish I'll come back and discuss my experience with this chapter.
Today I've chosen a very popular song with all christians and it remains on the top of Billboard's christian music charts. This video is of Chris Tomlin singing"Made to Worship", is from the Passion 2006 concert, and just goes to show why Time magazine printed an article "Hip Hymns Are Him", everyone loves to sing his songs. I'm sure he'll be at the top of the christian pop charts for a long time.
Website Chris TomlinTuesday, November 21, 2006
What Drives Your Life?
Who am I fooling when I thought I could please everyone? It is God that I need to please because He is the one that will be judging me. This chapter was asking me what I've known for sometime now, but never knew or had the strength to change it.
I'm looking forward to getting on with the book but I'll do as it asks and take it one day and chapter at a time. Hey, kinda like AA. I've already started to narrow down the things in my life that are actually pushing me to the insane edge and have started to focus on this new journey with God.
I've been working on learning website publishing and have taken it to include a site with christian rock videos called what else "God Rock Videos". Yea, I like rock and it's a great way for me to focus and get through my day. Hope you get a chance to visit it.
Tomorrow I think there is a dinner at the Utah Jazz's basketball venue the formally known as the Delta Center, which has changed to the EnergySolutions Arena that I'll try to visit. Throughout the next couple of days the thanksgiving feasts for the needy are bountiful.
Homeless But Not Lost
Today will be Day 3 in The Purpose Driven Life and I hope to post about it later. Last night I spent 2 hours reading John and soaking up what I had read before and never took to heart. This time I could actually visualize some of the passages and was able to connect with them. It actually put a smile on my face to know that He is showing me the way and I'm willing to accept it this time around.
I have been watching the weather each day, so I can prepare for any rain or snow. The last few days they've predicted no precip for atleast 10 days. Well today low and behold, the forecast for Turkey Day is rain and then turning colder with snow expected early next week. It looks like I'll need to find some kind of protection besides the leaky tarp I now have. I spotted a dumpster yesterday with loads of plastic sheets in it, I hope that when I find it today that the plastic is still there.
Digging around for new music today I came accross a video from John William Schlitt. This guy had played with (I'm dating myself.) a band in the 70's called Head East. (The Head East era was well known to me because one of the back-up vocals, Dale Krantz-Rossington, went to school just down the road from me in Indiana.) He then went onto a well known christian band in 1986 called Petra. It's so awesome to see the old rockers that changed their ways. John's song "Show Me The Way" is really fitting for may day. I hope you enjoy it.
This You Tube thing rocks.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hmmm, I'm Not An Accident
In the past couple of years friends have been trying to explain that God has a purpose for me, but it had been hard to comprehend. The toughest part was Love, and loving myself and God. I truly didn't know what love was. After many years of never being told or even hearing the word love, the word had no meaning. I read 1 John 4:8 "Who ever does not love does not know God, because God is love." and it confirms the main reason why I couldn't love anyone or myself.
During the last few years of my life, I have been wandering with no purpose. I had thought that I had to make everyone happy and to like me, which caused me to be untruthful many times. I felt that I needed to accomplish every goal I had set, and that if I didn't I was a failure. Man, I was just setting myself up for failure. Now, I'm trying each day to live for what God wants me to do, and not for what I think everyone expects me to do. It's a tough change and will take some time, but each day I use this concept, it becomes easier.
God guides his leadership
Gaither begins each day with a prayer.
Our Giving Lord
I've been in the need for some glasses for sometime and was guided to the local Lions Club. I went to the Moran Eye Center located near my camp and was given a phone number to contact. After talking with a couple of people over the last week, I finally returned to the center explaining what I was encountering. Dee, a very helpful person at the front desk directed me to Cathy today, and you know, I'm on my way to receiving new glasses. Thank you Lord for those who are at the Lions Club and for all the work they do.
I had a neat conversation with Cathy (Lions Club), who was intrigued by how I became homeless. When most of the homeless or those less fortunate deal with organizations or needed services, they are sometimes just treated as another number and passed along. It was a pleasure to have someone interested in in my story and it gave me a since of being. I also got to share a little about what K2 The Church is about.
There is an interesting story in the USA Today about US food banks struggles for food demand. I was shocked to learn that in the last 5 years the value of federal help, in food and cash, given to US food banks has been cut in half. In 2001 food banks received $ 418.4 million and it is estimated that they will receive $201.2 million during 2006. Private cash contributions have also fallen considerably. So, if you can donate food or cash to your local food bank, I'm sure they would certainly appreciate it.
A great tribute to those who have and are defending our country on one of those sometimes unsightly graffiti filled boulders is in rural Iowa. Thanks for sharing it with us snogdot.
I'll be posting my 2nd day in my reading of The Purpose Driven Life
My song for today is The One Great Spirit from Spirit Highway.