Friday, November 24, 2006

The Homeless Life With Purpose

Yea, its neat to have my glasses, I've hiked around just enjoying views of God's creations. My reading in The Purpose Driven life has take me to Day 6. The last 3 chapters has been about:

Day 4: "Made to Last Forever" This is a point in my life that I never really looked at. I was always just living today as it may be my last and I had to make everyone like me and my accomplishments. Well, this chapter along with the next two is having me re-establish my outlook on life in the fact that this is just a brief moment of my life. God has intended for my life here on earth to only be brief, and for it to be a test for the upcoming greatness of eternal life. I always was thinking that when I die its over and I'll just go maybe to heaven or most likely hell. Now, each chance I get, I reflect on this chapter that I'm going to live forever and only briefly here.

Day 5: "Seeing Life From God's View" I really need to grasp a hold of this chapter as He is actually testing me during my stay here on this world. I need to work on being trusted with the resources and opportunities that God provides me. I also need to realize that every material possession is just loaned to us from God and He is trusting us with them.

Well, with my past of spending money quick and losing my possessions I guess He'll not be trusting me with much for some time to come. This is exactly what I really need to work on, TRUST.

Day 6: "Life is A Temporary Assignment" Throughout all my life I knew life was short, but I didn't realize that God intended for me to only be here for a short time before going to my real home. So, my life in the "Big House" is all dependant upon how I choose to take care of what God has loaned to me here and now. It's time for me to be faithful to God and not to focus on temporary crowns. I need to look at the bigger picture that if I'm faithful during this test, I'll be going to where all things are glorious and the moments of happiness are GRAND.

Music of The Day

My music of the day comes from Tree63, a young moving new christian rock band. I may be homeless but this song and what I've been learning is putting a smile on my face today as I walk through this wonderful journey to a purpose in life.


Website Tree63
Buy Tree63 Music

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